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Friday, January 14, 2011

Pam and Bobby

Pam and Bobby are such a sweet couple, forever in love. Hard to believe this was a warm day IN OCTOBER! I miss summer..... :-(
I keep working on the fun stuff like this digital painting and procrastinating on the boring stuff like website housekeeping. The blog is such a mess but there just aren't enough hours in the day. How do other women do it? I see bloggers out there who have large families, beautiful homes, a productive business and stunning websites. Well here is my new year's resolution - PROLIFIC! I am adopting this word. It is MY goal! I WANT to be P-R-O-L-I-F-I-C. I know what happens when I ask for patience. I find myself crying uncle and saying Lord I'm good now, thank you, as I cringe at the thought of anymore patience coming my way. But I'm curious to see what happens when I pray to be prolific.