'Artified" version

Cropped and ready for framing.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!
I know it's cliche to say but my how time flies! You weighed a mere 5 pounds 6 ounces when you were born. Just a tiny little thing you left me in awe. I could spend hours on end staring at you. Tens little fingers and ten little toes, a blessing straight from heaven entrusted to ME by the Lord above! I hadn't a clue. I about died the day your belly button fell off. I was burping you on my shoulder when I laid you down it stuck to the burp cloth. I thought I broke you! I warmed your juices cuz I thought everything in a bottle needed to be warm. When it was time for veggies I only fed you orange or yellow ones, carrots being your favorite excluding the green ones. They looked disgusting! The pediatrician noticed the bottom of your tootsies were a tad orange and strongly recommended I add green to your diet. One time I thought you had a fever and rushed you to the doctor only to find out I didn't need to bundle you up to protect you from hot tropical breezes. Who knew? Somehow you lived through my inexperience and we grew up together. And look at you now! I couldn't be more proud of you and the woman you became. You are a far better mom than me. Giuseppe lights up your life just like you lit up mine. Your love for him warms my heart and I love you even more for it. The baby God entrusted to me is all grown up with a baby of her own. My baby no more those days are gone and I think to myself my how time flies.....
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